Support Tickets

  • Detail page

    This is the detail page of the ticket. Here you can see the details of the ticket.
    • Search & Filter

      You can search and filter the tickets by using the search bar and filter options.
    • Add Ticket

      You can add a new ticket by clicking on the add button. This will open a modal where you can add the details of the ticket.
    • Ticket Details

      You can see the details of the ticket in the detail page. You can also see the Notes and Files of the ticket.
    • Details page Functionality

      Details page has the following functionality:
      • Reply to ticket

        You can reply to the ticket . Type your reply in the text area and click on the send button.
      • Add Note

        You can add a note to the ticket. Click on the add note button and type your note in the text area.
      • CLose a ticket

        Only admin & employee can close a ticket. Click on the close button to close the ticket.